Made for Aussies, By Aussies

aussie voice over

about the avo
The AVO or Aussie Voice Over is an online community dedicated to connecting Australian and New Zealander voice actors together to network and celebrate our excellence in the industry, and further represent our accent in international media.
join our discord
The Discord server is the place where our community gathers to chat about the voiceover industry, whether local or international, links for coaches, workshops, and gear on sale, and just a general place to hang out and have a fun time!Click the Discord logo to join via our invite link.
Event Name | Date |
SXSW Meetup | October 2024 |
PAX Meetup | October 2024 |
our team
Whilst at PAX 2019, we accidentally brainstormed the idea for the Aussie Voice Over Discord server. Partially as a joke, and partially being for real, Dom made all the graphics and structure for the Discord server that very same night. From then on, after bringing the rest of the team onboard with Aimee at the helm of the Twitter in 2022, we grew the server from a measly 10 members to over 600 members in the span of a five years; facilitating a space for Aussie voice actors, and providing them resources to succeed in our industry.
our community
how to fill out a w8-ben form
The W8-BEN form is the tax form most commonly required to declare foreign status to the IRS of the United States of America when us, as Australians, work with companies within their country.This form not only establishes that foreign status, but also allows us to claim the tax treaty benefits that we are afforded as Australian citizens with the USA and make sure we're not taxed twice on our foreign income.This article will look at how to fill out one of these forms as a voiceover artist if you've never seen one of these before!DISCLAIMER: This article should not be taken as official taxation advice. This is solely how I've personally been able to fill out forms without any issues for the past few years.

Part 1

Line 5 is NOT required if you do not possess a USA social security number (if you have not physically worked in the USA on a visa, this would be the case).Line 6a requires your Tax File Number (TFN) or Australian Business Number (ABN). If you have an ABN, this is preferred.You can ignore Line 6b & 7.
Part 2
Fill in 'Australia' on Line 9.You can ignore Line 10.Sign the rest of the form as normal!PRO TIP: To avoid constantly refilling this form, create a copy of this fully signed form barring the date; that way, you can constantly update the form with the current date, for time-saving purposes.